Wednesday, February 22, 2012


<< Culture >> Culture should be placed in an environment free of oxygen in the

95F (35C), at least 48 hours to the plate >> << examined for buy strattera growth. Gram staining performed on the sample at the time of culture. Although infection

may be caused by aerobic or anaerobic bacteria or a mixture

and some infections have a high probability to be caused by anaerobic bacteria >>. These infections include << brain abscesses, lung abscesses,

aspiration pneumonia, and dental infections. Anaerobic organisms often

suspected because many anaerobes have characteristic microscopic morphology >> << (appearance). For example,

Bacteroides spp. are gram-negative bacillus that pleomorfnye (variable size and shape

) and have irregular bipolar staining. Fusobacterium SPP. often pale gram-negative rods entering the spindle end.

Clostridium SPP. large Gram-positive rods that form spores. Location

dispute (central, subterminalnye, terminal or not) is a useful differential characteristics of the

. The presence of growth, oxygen tolerance and Gram stain results

enough to diagnose anaerobic >> << infection and begin antibiotic treatment with drugs suitable for most anaerobes

such as clindamycin, metronidazole, or vancomycin. Bacteroides (the most common anaerobes in culture, intraperitoneally

infections, rectal abscesses, infections of soft tissues, liver disease)

Fusobacterium (abscesses, wound infections, pulmonary and intracranial infections)

Porphyromonas ( aspiration pneumonia, periodontitis)

Prevotella (intra infections, infections of soft tissues)

Actinomyces (head, neck, pelvic infection, aspiration pneumonia)

Bifidobacterium (ear infections, infections of the abdominal cavity)

Clostridium (gas gangrene, food poisoning, tetanus, pseudomembranous colitis)

Peptostreptococcus (oral, respiratory and intra-abdominal infections)

Propionibacterium identification of anaerobes is highly complex, and laboratories can

use different systems of identification. Partial identification is often

goal. For example, there are six types

Bacteroides genus that may be defined as a group of Bacteroides fragile, not identified individually. The organisms identified

its colonial and microscopic morphology, growth on selective media

oxygen tolerance and biochemical characteristics. These include diabetes

fermentation, bile solubility, esculine, starch, gelatin and casein hydrolysis

and gelatin digestion, catalase, lipase, and indole letsytynaznoyi

meningitis virus or bacteria

production, nitrate, volatile fatty acids, determined by gas

chromatography, and sensitivity to antibiotics. Antibiotic susceptibility profile

determined by broth dilution method mikroprobirku >>. << Many of anaerobes resistant to penicillin and some

resistant to clindamycin and other commonly used antibiotics. .

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